ATM machines are now used around the globe because it is the only and convenient way of getting cash immediately especially if you have emergencies. Nowadays, ATM machines are not just for personal banking, it is also used in paying your employees wages or sending money to your relatives. ATM is a card-to-cash basis transaction. Now, as I was thinking about this kind of program I come up with the idea of making a program that converts the check figures into words to automate a billing system.
This program is used with selection statements and decision making statements namely If Statements and Switch case statements. The program also has a limit input of 100,000,000. Check out the codes below.
1: #include <stdio.h>
2: #include <conio.h>
4: main()
5: {
8: int num;
9: int num1,num2,num3,num4;
12: printf("\nEnter Numbers: ");
13: scanf("%d", &num);
14: if ( num > 100000000 ) {
15: printf("\n\nYou have exceeded the maximum input of 100,000,000.\n");
16: }
17: if(num<=100000000)
18: {
19: num1=num/1000 % 10;
20: num2=num/100 % 10;
21: num3=num/10 % 10;
22: num4=num/1 % 10;